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Rosthern Junior College High School - February 27, 2020

From RJC to University Athletics

Before Morgan Hildebrandt was even a student at RJC, he was drawn to the sports teams.

Toronto Prep School - February 26, 2020

U20 Indoor Soccer SSAF Championship

TPS wins the SSAF U20 Indoor Soccer Championships on February 25, 2020 at the Hangar.

Academie Providence - February 25, 2020

Un drapeau canadien vivant

Rendre hommage à leur drapeau emblématique célébrant son 55e anniversaire, quelle fiérté !

Woodland Christian High School - February 21, 2020

Students Give Back to Community

Woodland raises over $12,000 in 10 days for the ministry of Ray of Hope in Kitchener. Lunch auctions, "slimings" and pancake breakfast.

Calgary French & International School - February 19, 2020

Calgary Stampede unveils 2020 poster created by 17-year-old artist

The 2020 Calgary Stampede poster is a poster unlike any before it, created by the youngest poster artist in Stampede history.

Fieldstone School - February 18, 2020

Legion Public Speaking Contest

Fieldstone won first place in all 3 Classes at the Branch Level of the Legion Public Speaking Competition.

Academie Providence - February 15, 2020

Art oratoire 2020

Un spectacle enjolivant par l’art de parler en public !

Nancy Campbell Academy - February 13, 2020

Nancy Campbell Academy: Product of Soul

Coming to NCA entailed several firsts for me. It was my first time teaching at a school that emphasized academics and service equally...

Oak Learners - February 9, 2020

Mimico Tulip Festival 2019 and the Oak Learners Tulip

Oak Learners participated in the 2019 Mimico Village Tulip Festival for the fourth consecutive year by painting a 4ft tulip.

Oak Learners - February 9, 2020

Students at Oak Learners talk to CBC The National about Coronavirus in

Oak Learners hosted Andrew Chang and his team from CBC News: The National to film a segment about talking to children about the news.

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