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Claren Academy - January 8, 2018

Claren Academy hosts Open Houses January 14th

After a great first half of the year, Claren Academy staff are eager to meet new families and show off the school!

Learning Beam Academy - December 27, 2017

Raffle still open, make sure to register!

On January 22nd 2018 we will draw the raffle of all applicants to be offered the only seat available in our Apprenticeship program.

Academie Providence - December 26, 2017

Chantons Noël !

Que le Divin Enfant vous bénisse et garde vos chers parents qui sont, comme nous, fiers de vous ! Que l’esprit de Noël soit avec vous !

Academie Providence - December 25, 2017

L’Esprit de Noël: Fraternité, tendresse, générosité

Warmest thanks for your kind attention and best wishes of Christmas! Merci très chaleureux pour votre aimable attention joint à nos voeux !

Academie Providence - December 23, 2017

De quel amour Il nous aime ?

De quel amour Il nous aime ? Il vient nous dévoiler le monde fraternel.

Upper Canada College - December 21, 2017

Theatrical co-production of Vimy both moves and educates

Both audience and actor POVs make up this dual review of Vimy, by Governor General’s Award-winning playwright Vern Thiessen.

Academie Providence - December 20, 2017

To you, our generous benefactors, sincere gratitude !

Aux noms des enfants (1630) et leurs familles, merci du fond du cœur ! Your generosity was demonstrated by gifts in kind.

Bond Academy - December 19, 2017

2017 Holiday Concert at Bond to Celebrate the Season

On December 14th, the 2017 Holiday Concert was presented to celebrate that time of year - the wonderful holiday season.

Bond Academy - December 19, 2017

Bond Wins the Metro Prep Winter Invitational Junior Basketball Cup!

On December 14th, Bond's U14 Boys' Basketball team went to the Hoop Dome to compete in the 1st Annual Metro Prep Winter Invitational...

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