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St. Michael's College School - July 15, 2021

Alumnus to Join First Class of McCall MacBain Scholars

SMCS alumnus, AJ Bimm '16 is one of only 20 scholars awarded the leadership-based McCall MacBain Scholarship.

St. Michael's College School - July 14, 2021

Lifting the Curtain: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Virtual Events

During COVID-19, SMCS has pushed out a continuous stream of virtual events thanks to a lot of help and support from our theatre staff.

St. Michael's College School - July 14, 2021

We Applied Past the Deadline: Our Family's Story of Ongoing Admissions

One family's last-minute decision to send their son to SMCS, taking advantage of the school's Ongoing Admissions cycle.

Pythagoras Academy - July 9, 2021

The practice of cross-curricular teaching of IT and art

When Science Meets Art – The practice of cross-curricular teaching of IT and art in Pythagoras Academy’s Junior Kindergarten

Pythagoras Academy - July 9, 2021

The cross-curricular teaching of IT, English and Art

The cross-curricular teaching of IT, English and Art in Grade One at Pythagoras Academy

Academie Providence - June 27, 2021

Créer un magazine, c'est fantastique !

Côtoyer des poètes, conteurs et personnes passionnées d’histoire, c’est merveilleux !

Academie Providence - June 25, 2021

Rendons grâce à la Divine Providence !

Rndons grâce à la Divine Providence pour la récolte de bons fruits d’une année scolaire qui s’est déroulée hors du commun.

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