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St. Andrew's College - August 5, 2016

SAC 3D Printer Lends the World 'A Helping Hand'

Prosthetic hands made with SAC’s 3D printer have been approved for use by physically disadvantaged children worldwide.

St. Andrew's College - August 5, 2016

Froggy Science

The Middle School science classroom was a bit stinky last week as students in grades 6 and 8 collaborated on dissecting a frog.

St. Andrew's College - August 5, 2016

Blazing New Trails in Chemistry Learning

Teacher Marke Jones has taken curriculum customization to the next level by pulling apart AP chemistry texts and reorganizing them.

St. Andrew's College - August 5, 2016

Former White House General Gives Perspective to World Events

The War on Terror and ISIS were two hot-button topics addressed by honoured guest, General Dennis Reimer, the 33rd chief of staff of the US.

St. Andrew's College - August 5, 2016

No Fly-By-Night Speaker

"You matter" was the theme of motivational speaker Blake Fly's powerful and inspirational presentation to SAC's student body.

Academie Providence - August 4, 2016

Cours de violon 2016-2016

Qui ignorerait les bienfaits de l'apprentissage du violon?

Rosseau Lake College - July 28, 2016

Rosseau Lake College 50th Anniversary Year Ahead!

Rosseau Lake College celebrates the 50th anniversary year in 2016- 2017. Special Gala event planned for June 17, 2017 on the RLC campus.

Upper Canada College - July 25, 2016

Graduate profile: Twins off to Harvard and Princeton

It would be easy to label fraternal twins Elliott and Gabriel Birman as opposites but it's the similarities that are more striking.

Crescent School - July 20, 2016

David Shaw offers families an enthusiastic welcome to Crescent

When families consider Crescent School, they get an enthusiastic welcome from David Shaw, Director of Enrolment & Financial Aid.

Kendellhurst Academy - July 19, 2016

Kendellhurst students release baby salmon into Credit River

Grade 4 to 7 students released 150 baby Atlantic salmon into the Credit River as part of the Bring Back the Salmon program.

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