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Academie Providence - December 29, 2015

Santa's Gifts / Cadeaux du P�re No�l

Ensemble partageons la joie de No�l autour du P�re No�l!

Bond Academy - December 28, 2015

Bond Senior Choir Performed for Seniors Homes

As the holidays are on their way, Bond Academy Choir continues one of its annual holiday traditions – visiting Senior’s Homes.

Academie Providence - December 27, 2015

Together we can spread the joy of the birth of Jesus!

Ensemble Partageons la joie et la paix de No�l avec les voisins de l'�cole!

Academie Providence - December 24, 2015

Avant No�l, un temps pour aimer et partager

Quel beau temps que l'Avent qui invite � se faire proche des autres et � poser des gestes d'amour!

Academie Providence - December 23, 2015

Avant No�l, un temps pour prier

Quel beau temps que l'Avent qui invite au recueillement et �la pri�re!

St. Andrew's College - December 23, 2015

Prominent Journalist Shares Trade Secrets

Famous sports announcer Rod Black was on campus as part of a month-long guest lecture series for broadcast journalism students.

St. Andrew's College - December 23, 2015

Bully-Free Zone

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. This is a familiar saying, and one that is wholly untrue.

St. Andrew's College - December 23, 2015

Fighting Mental Illness Stigma

A team of students have started a chapter.

St. Andrew's College - December 23, 2015

This Just In...

The spotlight shone on the broadcast journalism class as they officially launched SAC TODAY to great fanfare in Ketchum Auditorium.

St. Andrew's College - December 23, 2015

Remembering our Fallen Andreans

Keeping memories alive of those who died for our freedom is central to the Remembrance Day message at SAC.

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