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Academie Providence - October 8, 2015

D�couvrir les secrets de la naissance des plantes

Une activit� qui permettra de d�couvrir les conditions favorables � la germination des graines et mettre en oeuvre la d�marche scientifique.

Academie Providence - October 8, 2015

D�couvrir les secrets de la naissance des plantes

Une activit� qui permettra de d�couvrir les conditions favorables � la germination des graines et mettre en oeuvre la d�marche scientifique.

St. Andrew's College - October 7, 2015

Substantial Scholarship Announced

Tuesday's Open House was the back drop for a big announcement regarding the College’s new D. Bruce Macdonald Scholarship.

St. Andrew's College - October 7, 2015

Tablet Rollout a Seamless Success

It was all hands-on deck Thursday morning, as staff and faculty distributed hundreds of new tablets to returning students.

St. Andrew's College - October 7, 2015

AP Results Best in Years

Seventeen students from the Classes of 2015 and 2016 have earned AP Scholar Awards for exceptional achievement.

Académie de la Capitale - October 6, 2015

Minecraft EDU & JavaScript Super Saturdays at Acad�mie de la Capitale

The weekend is for learning! Be challenged in a collaborative virtual world or learn programming through AcadeCap's Super Saturdays.

Academie Providence - October 4, 2015

La famille telle que la d�finit le Pape Fran�ois (4 octobre 2015)

"The family is a place where we learn to step out of ourselves and accept others, to forgive and to be feel forgiven."�(October 4, 2015)

Bond Academy - October 2, 2015

Bond Academy Wins the Withrow Cup For Cross Country!

Bond wins the Withrow Cup for Cross Country for the third year straight!

Kendellhurst Academy - October 1, 2015

Students join Mayor Crombie to plant ceremonial Half Millionth Tree

Kendellhurst students help plant the half millionth tree along the Credit River as part of their science/eco classes in Streetsville Sept 25

Brookes Westshore - October 1, 2015

Shining examples of Dwight talents (Korea Times)

Dwight School Canada's focus on the environmental sciences was a big draw for Shayda Swann...

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