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Academie Providence - October 1, 2015

Stimuler l'int�r�t pour la peinture chez l'enfant

Permettre aux tout-petits d'explorer et de cr�er fut l'objectif de l'activit� de peinture libre dans le cadre de l��ducation artistique.

Waldorf Academy - September 30, 2015

SCOPE- New! Service, Character, Outdoor, Projects, Executive Function


Banbury Crossroads School - September 30, 2015

Banbury Crossroads Founder was featured in Calgary Herald, Aug20, 2015

Banbury Crossroads Founder and Director, Diane Swiatek, shared her lifelong passion in teaching and empowering students.

Waldorf Academy - September 30, 2015

Transforming Our Outdoor Space- The Big DIg

Summer Transformation of our Outdoor Spaces. It has been completed! The new natural playground is beautiful!

Waldorf Academy - September 30, 2015

Waldorf Alumna Girls Speakers Bureau Because I Am A Girl

Waldorf Alumna is accepted into the Girls Speaker Bureau Because I Am a Girl (PLAN). Student attributes success to grade 8 project

Banbury Crossroads School - September 29, 2015

One of outdoor activities in Banbury Crossroads School

Unforgettable camping trip at Camp Chief Hector YMCA on September 22-25, 2015 for high school students!!!

Bond Academy - September 28, 2015

First Meet-the-Teachers Evening in 2015 Fall

On Thursday, September 24th, Bond Academy held the first Meet-the-Teachers evening for the 2015 fall semester.

Banbury Crossroads School - September 28, 2015

Another creative way of teaching by one of Banbury's teachers!

How teachers help students get over their embarrassment in sex-ed class? Let's hear it from one of Banbury's high school teachers.

Academie Providence - September 26, 2015

Messe d'ouverture de l'ann�e scolaire 2015-2016

Lou� sois-tu, Seigneur du monde, Laudato Si � mi Signore ! Praise be to you, my Lord!

Braemar House School - September 18, 2015

Virtue Clan Kick Off

Each year our students are grouped into Clans named after one of the clan animals of the Six Nations as part of our character education.

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