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Academie Providence - April 16, 2015

Nos petits chercheurs en herbe

D�couvrir les propri�t�d de certains liquides, exp�rimenter autour de l'eau et de l'air, manipuler des objets, �veiller � la curiosit�

Academie Providence - April 14, 2015

Nos petits savants de la GS et leurs d�couvertes

Une vari�t� d'exp�riences ayant pour objectif la d�couverte de la mati�re et l'observation de ph�nom�nes d'environnement.

Island Pacific School - April 10, 2015

A Night In the Cold to Understand Homelessness

This past February, grade 8 & 9 students from IPS opened their hearts and minds to the devastating world of youth homelessness.

Academie Providence - March 31, 2015

Activit� amusante et enrichissante

Regarder la TV ou lire ? Faire la lecture sur une tablette �lectronique ou la faire avec un livre dans les mains ?

The Sacred Heart School of Montreal - March 31, 2015

One of the First Montreal Girls' School to Acquire a 3D Printer

Girls at Sacred Heart, a private Catholic high school for girls, will be some of the first to work on their own EKOCYCLE Cube 3D printer...

The Element High School - March 30, 2015

The Element High School Moves to Lansdowne

This dynamic location was chosen to support The Element's integrated program...

Holy Name of Mary College School - March 30, 2015

Duke of Ed - Gold Award Achievement

Our drive to inspire leadership is enabling HNMCS girls to soar to new heights. Congratulations to Kendra Tatemichi '15 & alumna Daniella

Star Academy - March 23, 2015

Star Academy Students Showcase 21st Century Learning

See what 21 century learning looks like in an elementary private school in Mississauga.

OMS Montessori - March 13, 2015

OMS Montessori voted Top Montessori School of 2015 in Ottawa

OMS Montessori received the following letter from the President of Top Choice Awards, Inc...

West Island College (Montreal) - March 11, 2015

Anti-Bullying Campaign Gets National Recognition

WIC Students created a video as part of an anti-bullying campaign and the video is now a resource on a nationwide anti-bullying website.

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