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Guiding Light Academy - March 10, 2015

Guiding Light Academy's favorite event of last term!

Guiding Light Academy fondly remembers our inauguration ceremony that Mayor Hazel McCallion attended and was covered by Snapd Mississauga!

Academie Providence - March 8, 2015

Concours d�expression orale de la l�gion royale canadienne

Gagner le 1er prix et le 3e du concours d'expression orale de la l�gion royale canadienne, pass� en p�riode d'ex.,est un succ�s bien m�rit�.

Upper Canada College - March 2, 2015

Edward Snowden addresses historic World Affairs Conference at UCC

More than 900 student delegates from across Ontario packed into UCC's Laidlaw Hall to hear Edward Snowden�s live-broadcast keynote.

Rockway Mennonite Collegiate - March 2, 2015

Kitchener school swears off technology for three days

Rockway Mennonite Collegiate spend three days without computers, televisions or cell phones.

Academie Providence - February 28, 2015

Stimuler le go�t de la lecture chez les tout-petits

Les enfants adorent les livres. Les adultes n'en ignorent pas les avantages parall�llement � ceux des produits d'apprentissage �lectronique.

Junior Academy - February 26, 2015

The Junior Academy Graduate

John attended Junior Academy from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 and came back to share his most fond memories of his time at JA.

Academie Providence - February 20, 2015

D�couvrir les myst�res du corps humain

Aider les tout-petits �comprendre comment vivre et comment bien se soigner pour grandir.

MacLachlan College – Lower School Campus - February 20, 2015

MacLachlan Participating in OLA's

MacLachlan will be participating in the Blue Spruce Award (Gr. SK-2), the Silver Birch Award (Gr. 3-6) and the Red Maple Award (Gr.6-8)

Academie Providence - February 16, 2015

Activit� d�roul�e avec beaucoup de charme, d'ardeur et d'amour

Excellente pr�sentation sur le m�tier de v�rification dans le domaine de la s�curit� nautique !

Academie Providence - February 15, 2015

Initiative �difiante et enrichissante !

Activit� d�roul�e avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme et de g�n�rosit� !

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