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Academie Providence - September 22, 2016

Message of hope, courage and Gratuitousness

The story of Terry Fox greatly fits into our theme of "Gratitude and Gratuitousness"� as it is a story of hope, courage and Gratuitousness.

Academie Providence - September 20, 2016

D�couvrir des sites culturels canadiens

Offrir aux �l�ves une ouverture culturelle en lien direct avec l'histoire du Canada dans le cadre de son 150e anniversaire.

The Sacred Heart School of Montreal - September 20, 2016

Sacred Heart First School to Provide Unlimited 24/7 Tutoring

The Sacred Heart School of Montreal becomes the first among private schools in the city to offer this unlimited, online tutoring service.

The Linden School - September 19, 2016

Linden Announces Updated K-8 Computer Studies Curriculum

Did you know that Ontario doesn't have a mandatory K-8 computer studies curriculum?

MacLachlan College – Lower School Campus - September 19, 2016

Empowering Today's Learners for Tomorrow's World

MacLachlan's school-wide dynamic, collaborative and inquiry based environments support the changing needs of today's social learners.

Academie Providence - September 18, 2016

Quelle noble cause que celle de �Terry Fox Run �!

This a great way to teach our children to assist others in need and help find a cure.

Cambridge International Academy - September 18, 2016

Good Things Grow in Ontario

CCIA students had a fabulous time on Friday September 16th, 2016 picking Cortland, Mcintosh, and Gala apples at Pingle Farm in Courtice.

Academie Providence - September 17, 2016

Acqu�rir le sens des trac�s. Quel plaisir!

Amener les jeunes enfants du plaisir du geste � celui de la ma�trise de l'�criture.

The Sacred Heart School of Montreal - September 14, 2016

Sacred Heart Offers Bus Service to Laval

The Sacred Heart School of Montreal offers a private bus service to and from Laval to accommodate a growing student population from Laval...

The Study - September 7, 2016

The Study: the most Francophone of English schools

Parents agree the primary reason for choosing The Study for their daughters is the unique mother-tongue bilingual education programme.

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