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Bond Academy - November 26, 2015

Bond Academy's Scholastic Book Fair

On November 18th, Bond Academy hosted a monster-themed Scholastic Book Fair Family Night.

Banbury Crossroads School - November 25, 2015

Fish Creek Field School, Oct 29, 2015

Banbury Secondary Science Students went to Shannon Terrace in Fish Creek Park for Field School.

Academie Providence - November 24, 2015

D�velopper l'esprit scientifique

Mieux comprendre l'anatomie du coeur humain et son fonctionnement et d�velopper le sens de l'observation de l'exp�rimentation.

Waldorf Academy - November 24, 2015

Grade 4 CBC music class contest

Music teacher, Ms. Hilts, worked with grade 4 to submit Canadian song, Bow and Arrow to CBC music class contest.

Academie Providence - November 24, 2015

V�n�rer les Saints et les prier

Et comment ne pas prier avec Mathieu, Brandon, Jason et Ivan et demander l'aide de leurs saints et saintes pr�f�r�-es!

Hudson College - November 24, 2015

Hudson's Elementary Boys Volleyball team are SSAF Champion

We are excited to to announce that Hudson's Elementary Boys Volleyball team are SSAF Champions!

Academie Providence - November 22, 2015

Prions avec Clo�, Mattea, Anthony et Nicholas

Sainte Th�r�se d'Avila, Sainte Marguerite d'Youville, M�re T�r�sa de Calcutta et Saint Ignace de Loyola.

Academie Providence - November 22, 2015

Que nous apprend la biographie des Saints?

� Une seule chose te manque: va, vends tout ce que tu as, donne-le aux pauvres et tu auras un tr�sor au ciel..." �

Bond Academy - November 18, 2015

Grade 9 at Bond, A New Adventure!

November 5th, Grade 8 were encouraged to join the Grade 9 Day and experience the classes with other Grade 9 students at Bond.

Hudson College - November 18, 2015

Hudson College Lower School Math Results

Read about our recent scores in the Canadian Test of Basic Skills!

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