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Upper Canada College - October 1, 2014

UCC's A-Day shines from beginning to end

UCC's annual Association Day is a day of friendship, fun and school spirit, and on Sep. 27 the sun was shining as bright as our teams.

Academie Providence - September 30, 2014

Nouveaux am�nagements � la cour de jeu

Dans la cour de jeu, fini toutes les besognes se rapportant �tondre le gazon naturel,� l'arroser et l'entretenir.

Bond Academy - September 30, 2014

Get answers from Ontario universities!

On September 19th, 2014, the Ontario University Fair officially opened at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

German International School Toronto - September 29, 2014

Terry Fox Tradition Honoured

German International School Toronto and Germany's First Lady Honour Terry Fox: A Canadian Tradition

German International School Toronto - September 29, 2014

2nd Annual Kindergarten Scholarship

Recently Appointed Principal, Mark Benkelmann, (Ulm, Germany), proudly presented to Nathaniel and his father the Kindergarten Scholarship.

Academie Providence - September 26, 2014

Tr�s bon d�but pour entrer dans la magie de la lecture !

� Quelle joie de voir nos �l�ves pr�occup�s-es avec les livres et motiv�-es � lire" !

Bond Academy - September 26, 2014


On September 17th, 2014, firefighters came to Bond Academy to demonstrate what to do in the case of an emergency.

Academie Providence - September 26, 2014

Quelle belle chasse au � u �!

Avec une ardoise et un crayon feutre, les �l�ves du CP ont r�ussi � �crire des mots qui contiennent le son � u �.

Academie Providence - September 25, 2014

Je promets

� UN cri uni et une main lev�e pour sceller un pacte �. Activit� achev�e dans le cadre du programme d'�tudes sociales

Bond Academy - September 25, 2014

Parents Meet the Teachers at Bond

On September 18, 2014, Bond welcomed the parents to our “Meet the Teacher Evening”.

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