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Bond Academy - October 9, 2014


On October 2nd, 2014, staff and students from Bond Academy/Bond International College participated in the annual Terry Fox Run.

Académie de la Capitale - October 9, 2014

Global Read Aloud International Project

During English class, the SK- Grade 1 class is taking part to the Global Read Aloud Project with a school in Texas.

MacLachlan College – Lower School Campus - October 7, 2014

Our Trip to Queens Park

On October 1, 2014 the two classes in grade five and the grade 10 Civics class went on a tremendously exciting trip to Queen�s Park...

MacLachlan College – Lower School Campus - October 7, 2014

MacLachlan Running Team Places First!

Congratulations to our MacLachlan College Upper School Running Team for their decisive victory in the school challenge component of the 10K.

Bond Academy - October 6, 2014

We are the Champions!

On Oct 1st, 2014, Bond's Cross Country team came first overall and won the Withrow Cup — for the second year in a row!

Academie Providence - October 5, 2014

Une salade de fruits automnale

Activit� culinaire riche en apprentissages et en �changes!

Academie Providence - October 4, 2014

Mission scientifique bien accomplie!

Une dissection structur�e et men�e avec s�rieux dans un esprit scientifique.

MacLachlan College – Lower School Campus - October 2, 2014

It's Great to Debate!

The Fulford Debate season began on September 27th, as our MacLachlan Team members took part in the debate at St. Clement's School.

MacLachlan College – Lower School Campus - October 2, 2014

MacLachlan College Voted First Place For Best Private School!

MacLachlan College was awarded the Oakville Beaver Readers selection diamond first place award for best private school.

Junior Academy - October 2, 2014


The Junior Academy is very involved in the community. Our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive has started!

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