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Crescent School - January 24, 2017

Crescent Earns High Praise in CAIS Accreditation

Crescent's recent CAIS accreditation report includes dozens of commendations and high praise for the school's mission.

Glenmore Christian Academy - January 23, 2017

Junior Kindergarten Comes to GCA

Glenmore Christian Academy is very excited to announce their new Junior Kindergarten program starting in September of 2017.

Academie Providence - January 21, 2017

Saint Antoine le Grand. Un Saint � imiter?

La richesse n'a pas emp�ch� St Antoine d'aimer Dieu et de cro�tre dans son amour

Bond Academy - January 20, 2017

An Author's Visit for the Primary Students at Bond

On January 18th, Lisa Bowen, the Author of the book "Eli's First Winter Carnival", visited Bond, and did a reading to Bond students.

Academie Providence - January 19, 2017

Which school to choose for my child?

Choosing a school for your child can only be a well thought out and well-adapted choice!

Meadowridge School - January 19, 2017

Meadowridge Earns Council of International Schools Accreditation

Meadowridge School has just received news that the Council of International Schools (CIS) has granted a full accreditation to our school.

Academie Providence - January 17, 2017

Providence Academy Annual Ball

Letter from the Parents' Committee of Providence Academy-Thank you for being among us – you make this special community feel strong!

Academie Providence - January 15, 2017

Providence Academy Annual Ball 2017

Une initiative signifiant que les organisateurs tiennent aux valeurs qui inspirent la mission de l'Acad�mie Providence.

The Linden School - January 9, 2017

Sophie Smith Receives the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award!

"The outdoor activies are fantastic. I met a lot of people. Some of the activities can be daunting..." Sophie tells us.

The Linden School - January 9, 2017

Panel Discussion at Royal St. George's College

This discussion began a few weeks ago in the RSGC Grade 8 social justice class, and emerged from ongoing conversations about masculinity...

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