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Academie Providence - December 13, 2016

Parler de No�l, c'est parler de respect, de paix et d'amour!

Savoir remercier et donner, �tre respectueux l'un envers l'autre...voil�de pr�cieux cadeaux �enseigner �nos enfants...

Cambridge International Academy - December 9, 2016

Featured Students for the Month of November

Cambridge International Academy congratulates two outstanding students who remain determined and demonstrate character in action.

Academie Providence - December 2, 2016

Exp�rimenter et d�couvrir

Exp�rimenter le principe de la r�flexion de la lumi�re � l'aide de la construction d'un p�riscope

Bond Academy - December 2, 2016

Bond's Book Fair: Pirates on Campus

On November 30th, the Scholastic Book Fair Family Night, one of Bond's annual events, took place on campus.

Alive Montessori & Private School - November 30, 2016


We are pleased to introduce our new staff for the 2016/2017 school year.

Bond Academy - November 29, 2016

Bond's Grades 6-8 Experienced Media on the Street

On November 25th, the Grades 6 to 8 students at Bond Academy took a special field trip with their teachers to downtown Toronto.

Académie de la Capitale - November 28, 2016

Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 5-11) at Acad�mie de la Capitale

Acad�mie de la Capitale is celebrating Computer Science Education Week from December 5-11 with free coding courses open to the public.

Academie Providence - November 25, 2016

Providence Pancake Day 2016

Heureux �v�nement apr�s une p�riode d'activit�s �ducatives intense et riche d'acquisitions!

Upper Canada College - November 24, 2016

UCC claims fourth straight CISAA varsity football title

The win comes a day after UCC's varsity soccer team won their Conference of Independent School Athletic Association championship.

Academie Providence - November 19, 2016

Art oratoire / Public Speaking 2016

To develop self-confidence and to acquire the art of speaking to an audience in order to develop the speaker's image while respecting...

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