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Claren Academy - November 18, 2016

Claren Academy Hosting Open House November 26th

Claren Academy, a new elementary school in downtown Vancouver will host its first open house on November 26th

Bond Academy - November 15, 2016

Remembrance Day Ceremony at Bond

On November 11th, the students and staff of Bond attended the annual Remembrance Day ceremony.

Academie Providence - November 12, 2016

Merci mille fois merci !

Une activit� qui offre aux tout-petits l'opportunit� d'acqu�rir davantage de confiance en soi et d'expression en fran�ais.

Academie Providence - November 11, 2016

Le Jour du Souvenir � l'Acad�mie Providence

Rendre hommage aux v�t�rans et honorer la m�moire de ceux qui ont servi le Canada et se sont sacrifi�s pour sa souverainet�.

Kells Academy - November 9, 2016

Kells Middle School

With plans for a Middle School in the works, Kells Academy is once again expanding.

Claren Academy - November 8, 2016

New School in Vancouver opens 30 spaces for KG - Gr. 2 Students

Claren Academy in Yaletown Vancouver, BC is offering 30 spaces for children entering kindergarten to grade two in September 2017.

St. Andrew's College - November 8, 2016

Climate change film encourages conversation, broadens perspectives

Receding sea ice, dying coral reefs, and rising water levels are some of the climate-change horrors exposed in Before the Flood.

St. Andrew's College - November 8, 2016

Major Announcement for St. Andrew's College

St. Andrew's College grew by 15 acres with the purchase of 15900 Yonge Street. We can proudly boast that the campus is 125 acres in total.

St. Andrew's College - November 8, 2016

Great War Historian Returns to SAC

Author, lecturer, and TV personality Andy Robertshaw took the Chapel pulpit to engage students in a lively presentation on the Somme.

St. Andrew's College - November 8, 2016

Holiday Heroes: Youth Helping Youth

SAC will 'adopt' Youth in Care of the York Region Children's Aid Society (CAS) during our 10th year of support for the Holiday Hero program.

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