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Upper Canada College - November 4, 2016

UCC student speaks at WE Day Family Toronto

Grade 7 student Matthew Meyerowitz spoke in front of 20,000 people as part of We Day festivities.

The Clover School - November 2, 2016

Join Us to Celebrate Our First 20 Years!

Celebrate the school�s 20th Anniversary at an elegant cocktail and hors d�oeuvres reception at Artscape Wychwood Barns, on November 3rd.

Bond Academy - November 1, 2016

Happy Halloween at Bond

October 31st is one of most favorite days for Bond's students. It's Halloween! This is how Bond celebrates Halloween every year.

Academie Providence - October 29, 2016

La f�te d'Halloween �l'Acad�mie Providence

Les enfants furent encourag�s � se d�guiser de fa�on plut147t agr�able et �l�gante qu'effrayante et terrifiante.

Bond Academy - October 28, 2016

Bond U20 Flag Football Got the Best Result in 2016 Tournament

On October 25th, Bond competed in the 2016 Under-20-year-old Flag Football Tournament at Fieldstone Day School.

Academie Providence - October 27, 2016

La Journ�e Halloween des TPS et PS

L'objectif �tait non seulement de se costumer et de s'amuser mais �galement de participer � plusieurs activit�s �ducatives.

Cambridge International Academy - October 23, 2016

Open House Event Success

Thank you for attending our first Open House Event of the school year.

Academie Providence - October 22, 2016

Choix d'ouvrages litt�raires de qualit�

La lecture ne devrait pas �tre d�laiss�e par les jeunes en tant qu'activit� � contretemps � laquelle serait pr�f�r�le num�rique.

Mulgrave School - October 20, 2016

Mulgrave School's Commitment to Innovation

Since the earliest days of Mulgrave's young history, our school has been known for continually pushing the boundaries...

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