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Bayview Glen - November 6, 2014

Toronto Mascots Wow Bayview Glen Students... Once Again!

Bayview Glen's Gryphon mascot crowned No. 1 as Toronto's favourite private school mascot for the second time.

Academie Providence - November 3, 2014

Orateurs en devenir

"Orateurs en devenir"fut le titre du troisi�me groupe de l'art oratoire 2014 dont chacun des membres a compos� son propre discours.

Academie Providence - November 2, 2014

Orateurs en herbe

D�velopper la confiance en soi, acqu�rir l'art de s'exprimer correctement, ma�triser l'adaptation intuitive et pertinente des mots...

Academie Providence - November 1, 2014

Orateurs en bourgeons

Tel fut le titre de l'ensemble des �l�ves de la Maternelle pour leurs activit�s d'art oratoire 2014.

Bond Academy - October 29, 2014

Grade 10 Mock Election -- A Hands-on Experience of Canadian Politics

The grade 10 civics class students learned about active citizenship by participating in a mock election.

Upper Canada College - October 28, 2014

Train to win with UCC Math Select

Open to the public, UCC’s elite math competition training program for boys and girls in Grades 5 through 9 hones test skills.

Bond Academy - October 28, 2014

Bond at Toronto Private Expo

On Oct. 18, 2014 Bond participated in the annual Toronto Private School Expo at Roy Thomson Hall.

Bond Academy - October 27, 2014

Community Building Activity Day

On Thursday, October 23rd, Bond Academy held a Community Building Activity Day event for Grades 7 to 10.

Academie Providence - October 24, 2014

Faire de la lecture un plaisir

...encourager les �l�ves�� lire lors des p�riodes de d�tente et d'activit�s libres et notamment � la maison...

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