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Upper Canada College - May 11, 2016

Nuit Bleue shines light on student creativity

UCC's ode to creativity, Nuit Bleue dazzles year after year, showcasing the best in student, music, art, film, theatre and more

Bond Academy - May 10, 2016

Bond Competed at SSAF Badminton Finals

From May 3rd to 5th, our Bond Badminton teams attended three SSAF Badminton Finals.

Bond Academy - May 9, 2016

SSAF U20 Ball Hockey Tournament

On April 28, Bond’s U20 Ball Hockey Team travelled to the Magna Centre to compete in the SSAF Under 20 Ball Hockey Tournament.

Academie Providence - May 7, 2016

Bonne sant� buccodentaire

Quelles sont les bonnes techniques pour garder les dents en bonne sant�?

Academie Providence - May 4, 2016

Nos chercheurs de l'avenir

La foire scientifique suscite chez les �l�ves le go�t de la recherche et le d�veloppement de l'esprit d'initiative.

Hudson College - May 2, 2016

Hudson College Presents Rock of Ages

Our Elementary cast and crew put on a terrific production of Rock of Ages last week, bringing to life eighties classic rock music and style!

Academie Providence - May 2, 2016

Our future researchers

The Science Fair arouses in students the taste of research and the development of initiation.

Academie Providence - April 30, 2016

Nos chercheurs en herbe

D�couvrir les merveilles de l'environnement, apprendre les sciences par l'observation et la pratique et favoriser le d�veloppement de...

Oakwood Academy - April 29, 2016

Making a Splash!

Oakwood students hit the pool for our Spring swimming program which aims to increase body awareness and self-regulation

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