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Academie Providence - June 4, 2016

Bons souhaits de succ�s pour un futur parcours !

Ce n'est ni l'intelligence, ni l'effort que vous savez d�ployer, quand il le faut, qui va vous manquerait.

Academie Providence - June 3, 2016

C�r�monie de la remise des dipl�mes

�Cette f�te de fin d'ann�e est la meilleure fa�on de rendre hommage au travail accompli avec succ�s."

Bond Academy - June 1, 2016

Drama Play at Bond - Robin Hood: A British Pantomime

After months of preparation and rehearsals, 23 students from Bond's Drama Club produced the popular Robin Hood: A British Pantomime on stage

Hudson College - June 1, 2016

Hudson College Art Show 2016 Debut!

Last Thursday, Hudson College held our first ever Art Show with the theme "Our City, Our Home: Student Art Celebrating Toronto."

Hudson College - June 1, 2016

Hudson College raises funds for Daffodil Month Campaign

Hudson College raised $1,233 in donations for the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) as part of our May 2016 Daffodil Month campaign!

Academie Providence - May 31, 2016

Le�on de Sciences dans la nature

D�couvrir ce qu'est un sol et ce qui s'y cache. Tel fut l'objectif d'une le�on de sciences en pleine nature

Académie de la Capitale - May 30, 2016

New for AcadeCamp summer 2016: Jr. Coders

For summer 2016, AcadeCamp is introducing Jr. Coders, a special week full of coding activities for ages 4-8 using Scratch.

Academie Providence - May 29, 2016

Barbecue 2016

Un repas de fin d'ann�e partag� dans la joie et la solidarit�

Century Private School - May 26, 2016

Stars of Century Alumni Event

On Thursday, May 12, Century hosted its first ever Alumni Event. Past students and faculty reunited at Century for a "Family Reunion."

Academie Providence - May 14, 2016

Garder sa sant� buccodentaire

� quoi servent les dents? comment garder sa sant� buccodentaire?

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